VertiMix, PowerWave, and VertiChem are manufactured by ICS Bell Mixing Systems located in Marion County, Ohio.
VertiMix, PowerWave, and VertiChem are manufactured by ICS Bell Mixing Systems located in Marion County, Ohio.
In 2023, I’m celebrating my 50th year in environmental and sales engineering. I have had a truly blessed career inasmuch as I was fortunate enough to have worked for some of this industry’s real movers and shakers in the field of instrumentation, process control and research. These include companies like Hach Chemical Co. (now Hach Co.), Orion Research, Inc. (now Thermo-Orion, Inc.) and Fischer & Porter Co. (now ABB, Inc.) who drove technology forward into the 21st century. From these organizations, I learned that pure science alone was not the key to success in manufacturing. I learned that it was essential to empower people to be able to do things that they didn’t think it was possible to do–including researchers, product designers and the customers themselves. There is nothing more exhilarating than seeing the face of a customer who has just realized that he/she now has the ability to do something, control something or make something that was not previously possible. I then decided in 1992 to create my own company, Instrument & Chemical Services, Inc., now Bell Mixing Systems.
A few years ago, I realized that one of most overlooked aspects of water/wastewater treatment needed to be changed because it was a significant key to improving treatment processes and saving energy, and, remarkably, it was simply the way water is mixed in process treatment tanks. I set a goal to change the way this entire industry mixes liquids, and it is happening! I am certain that if given enough time, my goal will be achieved.
–January 1, 2023